
Showing posts from February, 2022

History of Afghanistan E02 | Islam in Afghanistan

History of Afghanistan E02 | Islam in Afghanistan     I was  June  323  BCE,  Alexander the Great was on his death bed.  His top generals stood around his bed.  He had heavily relied on these generals during his military campaigns.  Legend has it that they asked Alexander,...  ... who would he like to give his throne after his death.  Alexander replied that he would give his throne to the most powerful among his generals.  Alexander the Great died on the night between the 10th and 11th of June, 323 BCE.  These broken walls belong to a palace.  Alexander the Great probably died in this palace.  Nebuchadnezzar II, the famous king of Babylon, had built this palace.  He was the same king who had conquered Jerusalem, imprisoned Jews, and destroyed the Temple of Solomon.  But now his palace is in ruins.  Alexander the Great's kingdom also fell apart like this palace.  But what role did Afghans play in the fall of this empire?   Who raised the flag of Islam over Afghanistan?  Who did lay

Insane 2K22M1 (Tunguska-M) in Action massive Fire 30mm anti-aircraft system (1,904 rounds carried)

  2K22M1 (Tunguska-M) is capable of firing 1,904 Bullets Per Minute The 2K22 Tunguska (Russian: 2К22 "Тунгуска") is a Russian tracked self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon armed with a surface-to-air gun and missile system  It is designed to provide day and night protection for infantry and tank regiments against low-flying aircraft, helicopters, and cruise missiles in all weather conditions  The NATO reporting name for the missile used by the weapon system is SA-19 "Grison"  Development  Development of the 2K22 anti-aircraft system began on 8 June 1970. At the request of the Soviet Ministry of Defense,  the KBP Instrument Design Bureau in Tula, under the guidance of the appointed Chief Designer A. G. Shipunov, started work on a 30mm anti-aircraft system as a replacement for the 23mm ZSU-23-4  The project, code-named "Tunguska", was undertaken to improve on the observed shortcomings of the ZSU-23-4 (short-range and no early warning)  and a counter to new gro

Russia Successfully Tests Its New S-550 Missile | The Satellite Killer

Russia Successfully Tests Its New S-550 Missile | The Satellite Killer   hello everyone you are watching another   episode of military gear according  to a Russian state media  report Russia's first serial s550 has  successfully completed state trials and  it has entered combat  the covert weapon is reported to be  capable of striking spacecraft ballistic  missile re-entry vehicles and hypersonic  targets at altitudes of tens of  thousands of kilometers  the source did specify where the s-550  regiment in question has been stationed  tas noted that it was not able to  corroborate its source's information  the ministry source told tas that the  s550 air defense system has successfully  completed state trials   the technology is allegedly far superior  to western and Chinese capabilities as  an absolutely new and unrivaled mobile  system of strategic missile defense  minister Sergey shoigu said that  the anti-satellite s550 was among the  new weapon systems that Putin had  demand

History of Afghanistan E01 | Alexander's conquest of Afghanistan

Alexander's conquest of Afghanistan    In 2300 BCE, there was a mighty and great empire in the world.  It was called Achaemenid Empire.  This Persian Empire was the first great international empire.  The center of this empire was Babylonia (today's Iraq).  The Achaemenid Empire bordered Greece in the West.  Its boundaries touched the Indus River in the East.  Taxila and Baluchistan (modern-day Pakistan) were also part of it.  Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan,... ... Georgia, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Israel (Palestine), Egypt, and Libya were also under its control. You must have heard of 2 great emperors Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great.  Both were rulers of this empire.  But then, in 331 BC, Alexander the Great, ruler of the Greek state of Macedonia, invaded the empire.  They fought in the battle of Gaugamela (331 BCE) that changed history.  The last Achaemenid emperor, Darius III, lost the battle.  He fled from the battlefie