Russia Successfully Tests Its New S-550 Missile | The Satellite Killer

Russia Successfully Tests Its New S-550 Missile | The Satellite Killer 

hello everyone you are watching another  episode of military gear according to a Russian state media report Russia's first serial s550 has successfully completed state trials and it has entered combat the covert weapon is reported to be capable of striking spacecraft ballistic missile re-entry vehicles and hypersonic targets at altitudes of tens of thousands of kilometers the source did specify where the s-550 regiment in question has been stationed tas noted that it was not able to corroborate its source's information the ministry source told tas that the s550 air defense system has successfully completed state trials  the technology is allegedly far superior to western and Chinese capabilities as an absolutely new and unrivaled mobile system of strategic missile defense minister Sergey shoigu said that the anti-satellite s550 was among the new weapon systems that Putin had demanded should be fast-tracked even so its reported deployment with Russian rocket forces comes ahead of expectations additionally the s-550 is seen as part of an air defense modernization involving the s-350 vital s-400 triumph and s-500 Prometheus they will completely cover the Russian sky from possible attacks recent Russian reports suggest the s550
is the same weapon as a satellite killer
until now known as nodal a project 
clouded in secrecy pro kremlin eyes Izvestia newspaper said it was part of one of the most covert domestic weapons programs ever conducted  the launch of an unnamed new missile system at sari sign in 2020 and earlier this year are now suspected to be this star wars weapon experts believe that work on the latest weapon has already been completed and it can acquire the official designation as the s-550 air defense missile system defense minister Sergey shoigu personally declassified the s 550 designations before the November test that blasted the redundant orbiting soviet-era Celina d military reconnaissance satellite to smithereens reports of the s550s introduction come amid concerns that Moscow is reviewing plans to proliferate its flagship missile systems to allied countries possibly including Belarus and Serbia as a retaliatory measure if upcoming diplomatic talks with Washington and nato slated for early January
do not 
yield the sweeping security guarantees the kremlin is seeking that's all for today thanks for watching
and see you next time


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